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Yes, you were right. Guess I was just hoping you weren't lol. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I really do appreciate it very much. I'll go ahead and leave her solo. Have a Merry Christmas!
Update on my little buddy. I tried fasting for a few days and also treated the tank with API general cure. While he seemed to get better for a day or two after the general cure, unfortunately the bloating did not go down at all and last week he had mostly stopped swimming and was just laying at...
Ooh ok. Thank you! I'll look into getting those for the future. I'm just fasting and watching him for now. He's still acting fairly normal, a little slower than normal but still moving around and poking his little head out from the plants every now and then to see if I'm looking at his...
He's not pineconing as of yet. I'm hoping it is a digestive problem and maybe a few days fasting may help? Do you think that would be worth a try? Also any tips for balancing out the diet would be greatly appreciated. I'm willing to give them whatever they need. I thought about trying to keep...
Oh man... I was really hoping it wasn't dropsy. He's my favorite little dude ☹️When you say dry foods, is there something else I should be feeding them? Like frozen brine shrimp or? I've given them frozen bloodworms a few times when I first got them as a treat, but then I read that they can...
Hello! First time Apisto mom here. No idea why he's so bloated all of a sudden. He's still eating. In fact he's acting like he's starving. He eats a few vibra bites each morning. It's a community tank so there's also some tetra pellets and sinking wafers for the Corys. I only ever see him eat...