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Hi everyone, recently my LFS has recieved some wild rams. Are the temperature requirements the same as standard captive bred blue rams (78f minimum, 82f + recommended)?
Hey folks, just wondering, what temperature should the dicrossus sp. be kept at? Within the cichlid atlas book, it says that D. Filamentosus can be kept as low 22c. On different care guides, it says high 20s. Could the atlas be a tad bit outdated?
Probably not as i obtained these guys from my lfs, I could probably ask them but they might not have the info or don’t remember which wholesaler it was from
So, these fish came with a shipment of habrosus. Since they were mixed in, my thoughts were that these would probably have been wild fish since them being mixed in would be unlikely if they were farmed. So no, Thailand is not an autocorrect error, and I have no clue whatsoever as to where they...
What apistogramma are these? Both came from a shipment of habrosus from Thailand. First 4 pictures are of one apistogramma and the other 4 another specimen. Occasionally, on the apistogramma in the murkier water, there is a dark band (fairy thin) that runs along the top of his dorsal fin.
Thanks for the response, I did ask before yes, but I did want to make sure that there would be some somewhat workable species. Would it work better if I heavily planted it with really large decorations for line of sight breaks?