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I have fire reds.
Crenuchus spiralus
Pocelocharax weitzmani
Nemetobrycon lacorti
Monkhausia agnesa
Corydoras weitzmani
Syleromystax barbatus
Corydoras tucano
Please e-mail me I dont have much time so checking here daily is just not possible. [email protected]
I also have five awesome young adult pairs of kelleri. Ted took a fantastic photo of my oldest adult male holding. Maybe he will post it because I cant open it
Everyone that sent e-mails. Sorry it has taken so long for me to reply, I work full time and travel for my job. I replied to about 60 e-mails today if you didn't get a reply let me know.
A few weeks back I recieved a few specimens of A ? huascar. They were shipped as A batan. Luckily they were in nice shape and just needed a lot of bbs and quality foods to fatten up and start looking very nice.
I have them in an end out 15 gallon tank that is densely planted has caves a dense...
I have to pull the baenschi tank and count fish, I may be sold out. Breitbinden males are over an inch females three quarters of an inch, gibbiceps are sold out. I wish I could get the male gibbiceps out of hiding for long enough to get a photo. I will try. I have a group of gibbiceps fry that...
I recieved fish on Monday of this week that were shipped as sp Batan. Quite a few people were wondering what this fish really is. After letting them settle in and eat some bbs they have colored up nicely and are doing the spawning dance.
Here are some photos.
Months back I recieved a few pairs of fish that were sold as Apistogramma sp asuruni. The fish are begining to look nice and the female is tending a clutch of eggs in a quiet corner of the tank. The male looks a lot like Moae with a distinct pattern of red spots on its operculum.
Has anyone...
Most of the south american epiphytes are orchids and bromeliads. I am not sure if pennywort would fall into this class of plant.
I have tied off two petite anubias but only to hide where I have made obvious cuts. I made the mistake of thinking L-129 was not going to harm the sword plants but...