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I have one pair of apisto triple reds in a heavily planted 20-gallon length. They're both still not adults and other than snails there the only thing in the tank. I have heard of dither fish and I was wondering what I could add or if I even should. I have bred some in a 10 gallon so not sure if...
So I recently got a pair of triple reds. They are in a heavily planted tank with some coconuts for breeding. I was just wondering what could I add to the tank to manage the algae a little better. Snails, Shrimp, or any algae eaters? It's a 20-gallon length. Any ideas would be great. It's...
Why do you think it’s two males? I think they would be fighting a lot more if they were males have had them for four weeks at least. One also seems more bright but idk never kept steel blues.
So I got both these guys one is supposedly a male one is a female. They are now in one of my 30 gallons after finishing up QT. They are both neon blue borilli apistos. I need to know if they can breed yet or up they are still two young any help would be great
pictures posted
like three coconuts or three the apisto caves on aqurium co-op?
the link for the caves.
one for each female maybe?
South American** :)
121.9 x 33 x 50.8 are the dimensions. Ok, so no corys but I have had more males than just one and everything was ok except for some lit chasing. Would you really not recommend 3 pairs with a couple of tetras and an angle? if not maybe just two pairs? feel like three would be ok.
I have kept apistos before in 30 gallons. I am now setting up a new 60 gallon but I have been thinking about making it into some sort of south African tank. 1 angelfish, a school of southern tetras, and three pairs of apsitos. The water parameters all match up and I think if it's heavily planted...