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Search results

  1. J

    Introducing microfauna: scuds, amphipods, isopods into botanical tank

    i have just recently bought a B.O.B. from there only because I chickened out on collecting them myself from the wild, you get a pretty good sample but when you figure in shipping its a tad pricey. I'm by no means unhappy with the outcome but sometime think I should have just done it the old...
  2. J

    stocking question

    Believe it or not the nannacaras are hard to keep out of the net. When I moved the Black Phantoms from the 20 they shared I was having a hard time catching the tetras but the nannas just kept swimming right in there .
  3. J

    stocking question

    ok thanks for info . i was just brainstorming for options for relocating some stray Bolivians and this helps
  4. J

    stocking question

    this wasn't intended as a breeding tank or anything just so every one understands, I guess I kinda misled some the nannaacra are all females as I haven't been able to secure a male yet, the Bolivians are left overs from a group with has paired up and am looking for options for a new tank for...
  5. J

    stocking question

    i am in the early phases for setting up a 65 gallon, when its finished I plan on keeping the following: 2 groups for tetra species [thinking Black Phantoms and Blood fin] a shoal of sterba cory, small group of angel fish, and a trio of nannacara anomala, MY question is i have a couple of...
  6. J

    Which sexe are the nannacara anomala

    i'm not positive but you might have all males, where did you get yours I am currently looking for a male to go with my girls and can't seem to find any at the moment
  7. J

    looking for Apisto trifasciata near Ohio

    I am looking for a store or breeder as close to home as possible, I really don't want to order online if I can avoid it. I live in central Ohio but will travel a bit if I have to.
  8. J

    Hi from Ohio

    It has been years since I had Apistos and I'm looking forward to seeing what folks have to say on this forum .