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Yea, I'm not the best at telling whether a fish's behaviour makes it compatible with another species or not. Anyway, I started a new thread -- this tank would be going in a more public room, so my family has told me what they want/don't want. I'm now looking at Bolivian rams and Madagascan...
Looks like I can't edit the thread now...
I wanted to point out that I'd be looking at Bedotia madagascarensis, because apparently Bedotia geayi is also known as 'Madagascar rainbowfish' but, according to google searches, gets bigger than B. madagascarensis. I'd be getting the smaller of the...
Sometime in the future I want to get a 75 gallon and keep a group of a cichlid species along with some other fish... At first I wanted Geophagus, but when I found out they were too big for a 75, I looked at Apistogramma and Bolivian rams. But then my family said they didn't want...
My family doesn't want a fish that is going to be territorial/aggressive... I think I'm going to go with the Bolivian rams.
I've always liked rams, and Geophagus... but since I can't get a big enough tank for Geophagus, perhaps Mikrogeophagus is the solution. :)
Now that I know which dwarf...
Thanks Darrel, I never really knew what GH/KH really were, so I just figured they were related to pH and weren't all that important to test. Later on I will go get a test for GH/KH and find out what it is.
Threadfin rainbows are a bit too small for my tastes. I was hoping for a larger fish that...
Thank you Mike Wise for your replies on both of my threads. I'm currently leaning toward Apistogramma borelli now, I found a website that says you can have many males in a tank (like, half-dozen) as long as it's large enough and has enough hiding spaces... is this true, or should I stay away...
In the future I'll be getting a 75 gallon tank (of typical measurements), and I'm going to be getting some sort of dwarf cichlid for the bottom portion of the tank. However, I'm not sure which species to get. There are a bunch that I like -- Apistogramma trifasciata, A. borelli, A. agassizii, A...
Thanks for the reply. I read that A. trifasciata were harem breeders, and I wonder if I could keep two males (with multiple females per male) in a tank of that size?
My knowledge about dwarf cichlids is just whatever I find with google searches... but it seems that Bolivian rams are less...
I have space for a 4 foot 75 gallon tank, but I'll probably only be getting it near the end of this year... anyway, I'm still going to plan it out early so that I can get a good idea of what I can have in the tank.
There are two species of cichlid I'd like to keep for the bottom portion of the...