Hello guest! Are you an Apistogramma enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Apisto enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your fish and tanks and have a great time with other Apisto enthusiasts. Sign up today!
Thank you :)
I got the fishes, when they'll stop being shy and hide between the plants....i will post some pics to confirm my choice.
Thanks again for the reply
in the local shops i found a lot of apistogramma opal....that were simply yellow head...no red mask but sold as opal
I'll take a look to the websites you mentioned, thank you :)
i am looking for a pair of Apistogramma borellii opal (red mask) in Germany, region Stuttgart.
I would like to see a pic of the fishes or if too young, of the parents.
Thank you :)
The aquarium is almost ready.
It has a capacity of 60l and the current guests are:
Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Echinodorus 'Reni'
Helanthium tenellum "parvulum"
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Hygrophila costata
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis...
very good to know
even if...i think they usually suggest the heart because is the thing in our body with the least or null fat (it is a muscle that works no stop)
but i prefer to stay on the safe side and i did not add it. :)
I for example was thinking of:
raw shrimps
slightly boiled zucchini
slightly boiled cucumber
slightly boiled peas
slightly boiled carrots
slightly boiled broccoli
boiled egg
garlic pressed in peanuts oil
agar agar
i am not sure if i should use a tomato, an orange or a beef heart
i will use...
To be honest i would leave the definition to people more expert than me.
But i can say that you have quite a beautiful pair of apistogramma cacatuoides :)
Enjoy them
Ps Here is a useful website http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/Apistogramma_cacatuoides.php
Hello, i am starting a new tank and i would like to use a black background.
But I am a bit worried about a mirror effect causing stress to the apistos ("enemy" to fight)
Does anyone have experience about that?
Not at all :)
It is just that identification of apistogramma is taken seriously and lfs use to label the fishes in very random ways causing more confusion than good.
"Double orange flash" has almost no meaning...
Thank you, i read a lot of discording info, mostly from those "data sheets", and very few from personal experiences.
Sometimes i wonder if the person who writes those "data sheets", had first hand experience or copied another data sheet that has been copied from another one and so on...
The only...
Hello everybody,
i read recently about the malaysian trumpet snails Melanoides tuberculata (i cannot remember the website), that they can eat Apistos eggs during their night raids
Has any of you experience about that?
I am interested in keeping them because of their healty tendency to move the...
My idea is a Walstad tank, with plenty of mulm and decaying leaves.
I will start with a dry start, and then add rotifer, cyclops, daphnia, moina, Hyalella azteca, Physella acuta and bloodworms (from a reliable source, germs-free) before adding fishes