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Search results

  1. I

    Macmasteri in Metaframe tank

    I love that you have tetras! I was told they won't work on another forum. Glad I found a group with more apistogramma keepers. Have you had any trouble keeping the male in the tank with fry? I've heard the female can become aggressive toward him.
  2. I

    Macmasteri in Metaframe tank

    I have 5 now. Always on the hunt for more! Everyone wants rimless, but nothing is a stylish as a Metaframe! That's scary. I feed them to my pea puffer so occasionally give them to the apisto's. I will definitely stop and add in daphnia. I give them detritus worms when I find them in other tanks.
  3. I

    Macmasteri in Metaframe tank

    I am new to apisto's and currently have a pair of Macmasteri gold form in a 10 gallon planted tank. They were small when I purchased them in January, but are looking like they need more space now. I am in the process of setting up a 27.43 gallon Metaframe tank for them. The plan was to have it...