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Quick update:
All it took was some R&R. :)
I never got around to sorting out the right antibiotic so she has just had plenty of rest.
After several weeks, I am pleased to report that she is pretty much back to normal.
I have a female A. mendezi that is behaving quite oddly. She appears to have trouble maintaining buoyancy and spends most of her time resting with her belly on the bottom or a suitable surface such as the horizontal leaves of Hydrocotyle leucocephala. She seems otherwise bright and lively and in...
My personal approach is to avoid leaves that are known to contain harmful compounds. For that reason, I would not use Ficus (fig), Photinia and Oleander and avoid Eucalyptus and Angophora as I believe these tend to retain a fair amount of volatile oils even after they are shed from the tree...
I can't help you find your fish, but I can help you with a little advice.
Firstly, have a little pateince. Most members don't check the forum every day, so give them a bit more time to respond.
Secondly, you may have more luck if you are a bit more specific as to what species you are after...
I like the internal logic of your suggestion Melanochromis, but I have my doubts whether "Pentacle Red" will ever catch on in the english-speaking world, due to the association of the pentacle with things supernatural.
I thought the naming convention, as with cacatuoides was:
Double Red - red caudal and dorsal fins
Triple Red - red caudal dorsal and anal fins
Super Red - red caudal dorsal, anal and pelvic fins
I think the 'white spot' is just a bit of food or debris in the bottom of the bag and is not attached to the fish... If I'm wrong, then it's definitely a concern.
To add to the list, I use a few Macadamia leaves without problem, and while I cannot say whether they have any effect on pH, they have an appealing 'rainforesty' leaf shape and are by far the most persistent I have thus far tried.
Are there any Australian forums or Facebook groups that cater to Dwarf Cichlid/Biotope fanatics?
I love reading this forum, but I'd really like to learn more about what's going on locally and maybe make some local contacts I might be able to exchange stock with down the track. Is there anything...
Yeah Mike, I get that. I have a couple of breeding tanks, one of which is set up for attempting to spawn the tetras & pencilfish, and the other is currently holding some surplus SAE's. The aggies caught me by surprise and started breeding before I was ready for it. I had not expected them to be...
fry emerged today. so far she is managing to fend off the ravenous hordes, though it remains an open question as to how long she will be able to hold out. I have read that fry respond best with parental care, so I'm wondering if it's better to rescue some and try to raise them on their own or...
That's fair enough. I fully expect that few if any of the fry will survive once they are free-swimming, but I'm happy to let them try and I will do what I can to try to help them succeed. Even so, I am under no illusions that I will stand much chance of raising fry in my community tank. I have a...
Well the eggs are gone. Not sure if someone ate them or if they hatched already. From what little I could gather in searching the forum, I get the impression that the eggs hatch after 3 days or so, but the fry are not free-swimming until some time later. Is that right? I don't see any fry in the...
Some of you may remember me from about a year ago when I posted about my disastrous attempt to add a colony of A. stiendachneri to my 6ft 'upper rio negro' biotope aquarium, which ended with the loss of the entire colony. (I still feel pretty bad about that, even though I don't know that there...
Quick update:
I contacted Hassles a couple of weeks ago about getting a few more females and he mentioned he was rationalising his collection and asked if I would take his entire colony of steindachneri. Naturally I agreed :)
If im honest, I'm a little intimidated at having possibly the...
I've read good things about the addition of Alder Cones to the Aquarium, particularly in controlling bacterial/fungal infection of eggs. Can anyone suggest a good supplier? Alternatively, does anyone know of a stand of alder trees in the Melbourne area where I might collect these myself?
I am truly amazed at the quality of some of the photo's you guys manage to acheive - especially with such challenging subjects as dwarf cichlids. Considering their often skulking demeanor and preference for low light conditions, it's a wonder to me that you mangage to get any publishable photos...
Now I understand why I'm not getting as low pH values as expected. Thanks Darrel! I may try supplementing with Camellia and Terminalia leaves.
Can anyone suggest a good (preferably Australian) supplier for the Terminalia leaves?
Incidentally, I assume the leaves of the Indian Rubber Tree...