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Everything says female to me ,except the dorsal...Too much to a point especially if still immature...
Although not as pointy the anal fin also reaches well into the tale....
MALE 75% is my vote...
Thanks guys.
The fry are doing great and with or with out interest I am a breeder so I will breed these fish as long as they allow...
Some of the wigglers fell off pot on removal so she still has fry to raise.. This just when they had formed a good rythm....
Hopefully the will breed again or I...
Well yesterday they have spawned for their third time.
I am excited and they have become regular in that their breeding record is 11/21 ,12/4 , 12/18.
It will still be a while before these fish are mature enough for sale or trade, but if any one is interested let me know?
Hey all!
I have had good luck breeding my Apisto iniridae...
Are these fish rare?
I traded some of my fish for them over the summer.
I am told they came from Peter Durkin.
Not to sound rude but I breed and sell fish ,so what are these guys worth?
Will the AquaBid crowd be my best avenue for sale...
Glad I found this thread.
I have 6 A.hongslio in a 55g to grow out.
I just got them over a week ago and they are aprox.1 inch...
Justme how old and what size are yours?
I will be following this for all the info...
Thanks to all for sharing...
Hi all I just got 6 hongslio(Sunday).
They are growing out in a 55g with leaf litter and terra cotta caves.
I cleary have one male but may have a sneaker who so far in two days stays separate from group often...
The fish came from 'cichlid exchange/wetspot via my LFS.
Looking for info I can...
Hi there pisto people.
My name is Tom and I recently acquired 6 A.Hongslio..
They are growing out in a 55g with lots of leaf litter and terra cotta pots for caves.
Hoping to breed AND raise these guys.
I have been breeding different fish for years and have aprox. 1,000 gallons of aquaria.