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You fry grow quickly, faster than my Macmasteri.
At 1 month I start to give frozen, crushed flake, live Daphnia and mosquitoes larves and freez dried Tubiflex (works very well) and a lot of BBS.
Thats useful info Mike.
I always thought that it can not be good to spawn so much. So I need a new tank to separate.
Now with my couple Macmasteri I let the fry for 100days together with there parents. In that periode I saw that the female sometime allow the men in here teritory and go back...
My couple Macmasteri spawn form the middle of january till middle of may 5 times.
So onec every 3 weeks. All depends how long the fry survive. When they are death the mother colors normal and after the next water change (with rain water) they spawn again.
This is what my Macmasteris have done...
Hi all,
Me fry are now 92 day old after free swimming. The biggest are now 3cm and some little coloration shows up. There is a big difference between the biggest and the smallest.
Does someone now at what age you can sex them?
When I look here on the forum there are people how say that they...
Ok understand, the sponge filter is not better than my inoculated filter.
I do not have inoculated the sponge filter! Luckily I used inoculated sponge, pipes and other stuff in my filter. Alsow fill the tank with the dirty water of the filter from the other tank.
Tomorrow i have planned a gravel...
Thanks Mike for the great advice you give me.
I have followed your tips.
Put in the Guppy a week a go and ordered a Spong filter and put it in two days ago with 25 fry. Today NO² still 0mg/l and put in 10 more fry.
Could you explain me why a little sponge filter is so mutch beter then me 10l...
My filter is a biofilter how is on 1 side of the aqua with 3 chambers: 1st with heating in, 2en filterpart with on top mechanical flees then chemical with peat and carbo then the bio part with zeolith and Eheim biomech and on the bottom i have the sponges. The flees, carbo and sponges come form...
Tanks Mike,
I read about the Oxygen probleme when i did a check on the net about the Pop-Eye. Pop-Eye can be the result of an overproduction of Oxygen in the water. Bud there can be so many reasons for the Pop-Eye. So the other fish still do very well, but i change every day 20 a 30% and its...
Thanks Mike,
What de you mean with BOD?
So I start up a new 200l tank 2 days ago. With 160l of rain water and 40l of the established tank. Put filter media over fom the other tank.
Measured with test strip 10mg/l of NO³ and 0mg/l of NO².
But how can I be sure that I can put the fry in...
Measured my water
Temp 24°C
Nitrate NO3 beweent 10 and 25mg/l (measured with JBL test strips) Its now licht pink, earlier it was always lichter pink 10mg/l
Nitrite NO2 0mg/l (measured with JBL test strips) that always white
Gh >14°d (measured with JBL test strips)
Ph more than >7.6ph (with drop...
Totally agree with you Mike. Tanks
They need a new tank
But I have to start a new tank.
Can it be pop-eye wat this fry have?
What is the quickest way to cycle a tank?
Old filter media and fill it with water from the old tank, where they now in?