Hello guest! Are you an Apistogramma enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Apisto enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your fish and tanks and have a great time with other Apisto enthusiasts. Sign up today!
It can be common to end up with all or mostly all one sex. It depends upon temperature and pH. Since I heat my fish room, and the room is also influenced by the seasonal outdoor temps (I can only plug in so many electric heaters in winter), there are some months of the year where it's better for...
I found this photo of an actual Apistogramma viejita on Simply Fish, and it is what my fish look like (or did when they were younger)... only it's a much better image than I have ever taken. I'm a terrible photographer. Please take note of the reddish top edge of the dorsal fin and the marking...
I'm guessing that the op is using the names that the fish were sold to them as. Stores get this wrong way more often than not, and many hobbyists do not know better until they find out that the fish they bought were not as labeled.
Download the Band app and join the Apistogramma and Dwarf SA Cichlid buy/sell/trade group there. We have at least one person (Tim Kramer) who recently posted allpahuayo, and possibly two (I don't remember if JDAquatics had them on his list, as he has lots right now). Just be sure to read the...
If there are photos included in the listing, perhaps share them here along with the lister (for credit at least), and perhaps that will help others to help with ID.
I agree with the borellii being the best choice for your 20 (tall/standard) tank and your water. One thing that I will add to the good advice given here (and this from personal experience working with the species over the years) -- once they do spawn, female borellii can be aggressive with the...
People may abuse the terms or get them wrong (accidentally or on purpose), but that is the method for naming, as well as the method for purchasing. If the fish only has two fin sets properly colored and patterned, then it's a double red regardless of what the seller calls it. Knowing why they...
Orange fish are distinctly orange in comparison to reds, which are reddish orange when properly fed and cared for (and the strain is a decent one). Orange fish also have no black patterning in the fins outside of the standard bit of black edging seen in all cacatuoides. Females of Orange strain...
Not really true, at least with cacatuoides. I replied in detail below. Unlike with many other fish, there is actually logic behind the naming of Red cacatuoides. :)
No one has actually answered your question about the reasoning behind the naming of domestic cacatuoides strains, so I can:
All Orange cacatuoides are Orange cacatuoides. Whatever they are called, orange is orange, really.
It's a bit different with Red cacatuoides. DOUBLE Red has the...
Feeding time in most of my tanks are a free-for-all. Even my Abacaxis male, whom the female hates on almost constantly, will cross borders to get some chow. She still tries to chase him, but she's usually almost as distracted by the meal as he is. He ignores her then. I don't keep the shyer...
Feeding in the net seems to work best with fry in a grow out tank, or other fish that haven't had many bad experiences with nets. Is the trickiest with smart fish (cichlids) with longer memories who've been caught a time or three.
I have done something similar to this, but just by putting the food into a large net and setting it in the tank. The fish learned that the net = food, and they acclimated to going into the net pocket to eat. It can be tricky to get the net to set up in the tank just right, though, with the...
Download the Band app and join the group: Apistogramma & Dwarf Cichlid Buy/Sell/Trade. You'll know it by the pair of domestic red cacatuoides in the group's photo. There are a few sellers that either have, or are considering getting, many of those species. Just be sure to read and follow the...
Missed that, as, when I typed the reply, the other replies weren't showing. Oops. I'm not sure that viejita would breed well in harder water. I've only kept them in soft water.
I agree that the likelihood of those being actual viejita is almost zero. They are likely macmasteri, and probably a domestic color strain at that. The good news is that macmasteri are gorgeous and hardy. They will probably do fine in the conditions your cacatuoides are currently in (especially...