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Wow that's kind of a bummer because it is a good looking fish. Now that I know what I'm looking at though I won't get another if I do seem them. Thank you.
I got this guy as a baby labeled as a wild caught borelli but I've not been able to get more since. Now I can't figure out what it truly is. A steel blue borelli? Now neon blue agassizi keep popping up that look similar but that doesn't sound right either. Thoughts?
I had purchased 3 of these as tiny wild caught babies at my lfs. This one killed the other two fairly quickly but anyways... its grown up now. I believe this is a male and it was labeled apisto orange next to apisto calamar. I thought they were mixed up at first but I don't think its a calamar...
Hi all. New to the site and here because I have been gravitating towards apistos. My current apistos are 1 mamasteri gold, 2 macmasteri red shoulder gold forms (are they the same as a normal gold? I'm not sure yet) 1 double red cacatoides, 1 wild caught cacatoides, 1 wild caught apistogramma...