Hello guest! Are you an Apistogramma enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Apisto enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your fish and tanks and have a great time with other Apisto enthusiasts. Sign up today!
Hello, it's been a couple of years since I've had Apistogramma but I recently setup a tank with my kids and couldn't resist when I saw this male at the LFS. I was told this is a m/f pair of Apistogramma Hongsloi. I believe the colorful one is a male Hongsloi but I'm starting to wonder if the...
Update: When I got home yesterday evening the male was still alive. He is mostly stationary but still coming out to eat. He was near the top in a corner where there is more flow from the filter. I put some flake food right above him and he did eat a little but his mouth still doesn't close...
Thanks Mike, Do you think it is worth trying to take him out of the tank to get a better look into his mouth in case there is something in there? I don't see anything from outside of the tank and he does get a very limited amount of food in there.
My plan for the new tank is to have a tiered...
Hello, I got a male and female MacMasteri Gold / Red a little over a month ago from the LFS. I wasn't quite ready for them as I am in the process of setting up a 40 gallon tank but had been looking for Apistos which I haven't found in locally and really liked the color of these. I was certain...