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me want to know too. is there more and more tank-breading or pond raised apistos from Brazil? especially the Adokeda. this species is so hot in these 2 years! however, many has claimed that it was very easy to know if it is wild caught ones, which shows very clear separate verticle stripes...
thanks Darrel, btw, do you know the nutrition facts of cherry shrimp. i have a tiny tank breeding and raising cherry shrimps. and i have been feeding my bitaeniata with them. i found my apisto is in a good shape and very aggressive and gains a lot of colour(red). i think feeding cherry shrimp...
i have got a pair of sub-adult form bitaeniata.
i want to know which frozen food has got higher nutrients:
1. frozen blood worm;
2. frozen brine shrimp;
3. frozen daphnia.
i havent decided which frozen food to buy for better growth of my bitaeniata.
any advice please?
apisto's head shape is very important to many hobbiests as a good head shape is a priority when hobbiests select their apistos. head shape is expecially important to some species. for example, bitaeniata, agassizi, elizabethae etc. many of them we seem to prefer bigger head size, and round...
i have read about haematochrom powder that it can not dissolve in water, it can only dissolve in oil. just not sure if i can add it to the hatching bottle.
hi, i have a question. can i put spirulina powder/haematochrom powder into bbs hatching container so that baby brine shrimp can eat spirulina and haematochrom, and i can feed apistos with them.