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Yes it is a bummer really. Would you have a clue what I did wrong? Or is it just a case of bad luck. I am getting new ones but they are much smaller and these were really nice specimens.
That probably wasn’t the problem here. The hobbyist I got them from says that the same species of fish from his tank so the brothers and sister and parents aren’t doing so well either. I will probably be getting new ones from him.
Also I think that a cardinal or pencilfish might be even more...
Now the male is going to die too I think. Hadn’t seen him in days then just now I saw him. Breathing really heavily and I think I can see some fungi not sure. But I am really worried the other fish might get the fungi for now they seem to do just fine. I’ll try and make a picture. But I am...
Now that I am looking at the male I don't think that he is breathing too heavily I will sent a video to make sure but I guess these kind of things can happen when adding new fish and dwarf chiclids might be even more vulnerable for this. I will keep a close eye on them.
Well I do not know the loss of appetite with the female since she was only in the tank for a week so she wasn’t eating big time from the start. But otherwise the other fish eat good.
I add about 15 leaves a month throughout the weeks in a 200 L tank so not to much. I wouldn’t know what it is I could try to take a video and see if y’all would think that the fish are breathing heavily.
They aren’t grasping for air certainly not. I would say that the male is breathing heavily but nothing more than that. But they might be breathing faster dan usual. But especially with the cardinals it’s hard to see if they breathe heavily because of their smaller size. But you are right it...
My apistogramma came from Ernst van Genne a hobbyist in the Netherlands so I did not quarantine. But the other fish seem fine. I will keep to take a close look at them.
No2 and NH3 and 4 are 0, temperature about 25°c so nothing wrong there.
But if the O2 parameter is to low wouldn’t the...
I recently got two apistogramma flabellicauda one certain male and a what looked like a female. But yesterday I saw the female breathing heavely in a corner and today she passed away. The male breathes heavily but doesn't act weird he eats good he flinches when I come to the tank etc. I...
I've been looking for some books on apistogramma's for quite some time now. Now I can get the book of koslowski Die Buntbarsche der Neuen Welt - Zwergcichliden.
For 10 euro incl shipping is this book any good or should I just wait until Die Buntbarsche Amerikas Band 2: Apistogramma & Co...
But talking about the fish probably the only thing I could do is buy some and grow them out. But I am not sure if I will by some. I am looking for some good apistogramma or a certain couple of C.Regani.