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I have the same experience as you, sometimes I even clean the bottles with bleach. However, these problems persisted even after cleaning with either bleach or hot water.
I've used four different kinds of salt so far, and also added baking powder in some occasions but I didn't get persistent...
Thanks for sharing your method! The method I use does not differ too much from the one you describe but the most important thing is that it always used to work up until two months ago.
After my last post here not much improved and I decided to buy new cysts to see if the problem was there. The...
Today I harvested BBS from two bottles filled with RO and special JBL artemia salt and the difference is huge. Even though I have to say there was still a considerable amount of BBS sinking to the bottom, overall it's much better. Since of course now both the salt and the water are different, I...
Young adulthood, would that be around six months or so? Or does that also depend on their size? I've noticed that some of the 4 month-olds already started spawning.
Great to see these pics!! Always nice to see the habitats of Apisto's and this one is so much different from the typical habitats in the jungle. Good to know that they can handle such cold water, if I ever get trouble paying for heating my tanks I can always start keeping borelli's!
And A...
That's a great story, it must have been great to have figured that problem out! Such a small detail, with such big consequences. These are the kind of experiences that novices like me can learn a lot from!
Iron pipes? That's really old-fashioned! I remember that lead pipes were quite common...
Haha, yeah I'm replicating now! So far with not much success, still the BBS is mostly dead. Now I'm testing with RO water and special artemia salt.
I don't know how copper could get in the water. I also thought of the airpumps but they're the same ones we've always used. Maybe it's time to...
In my case I wanted to out cross them cause the first fish I got hardly had any color. Then the guy I bought them off brought some more colorful ones and I thought it was a good idea to set up the out cross and then select the prettiest to keep breeding with. I think it's my favorite fish, I...
I'm starting to think that the mystery might not ever get solved. Yesterday I harvested BBS from two bottles that were set up identically, this time with bottled water. The pH of the water was only 7.5 so I was afraid it wouldn't work but it worked out fine but only for one bottle. So with...
This I've noticed, one of the male offspring grew quite big already and he's not only very colorful but also very aggressive. The father of the offspring died and I wouldn't be surprised if this fish had a hand in it.
The offspring I have already is from an outcross but I see quite some...
Thanks for the advice, I think I'll try to get a scalpel and some tweezers to be able to do this in the future. I've thought about it before whenever a fish would die because of unknown reasons.
I don't use baking soda but it's worth giving a try. My tap water has a pH of 8 and a KH of 8 so I never thought it was necessary. However, I still haven't figured out what the problem is (I've tried the water, hatching time, the bottles and the salt) but still the quality is highly variable. So...
I currently have offspring from a mix of two separate lines of T. candidi. I would like to keep breeding them but I would also like to try to selectively breed the more colorful ones. There are clear differences in coloration of the fins among the fry I have, they are around 4 months old now...
I'll settle for A. paulmuelleri, I don't think I've seen it offered but it's a very nice fish. If I would ever go look for it at least I know what to call it now! Although most likely it will take a while for the name to land, I also see A. allpahuayo offered as A. sp. Black Chin quite often.
Sounds like a serious problem, the Mycobacterium. I read the article and not all symptoms match but a lot of them do, I think I should start doing autopsies to get to know fish diseases a bit better. Is there a guideline for doing autopsies on fish?
I have a UV filter so maybe I'll have to...
I'll settle for A. paulmuelleri, I don't think I've seen it offered but it's a very nice fish. If I would ever go look for it at least I know what to call it now!
This method sounds really good to me, just the fact that it's not necessary to harvest BBS every day is already a great plus but also reusing the water sounds very nice. After I finish trying to figure out why my BBS keeps dying I'm going to consider to set it up like you do. Yesterday again all...
Today I had to euthanize a male A. eremnopyge that was really sick. It started around two weeks ago, when I noticed he couldn't close his mouth properly. Below his chin (not sure if that's the correct word for it) I could see two small pieces of skin sticking out. He seemed to be doing ok...
It's interesting cause your problem sounds a lot like mine, I do hope that with these standardized tests I'm doing now I'm able to figure out what's wrong. If it's the water I hope to see an effect of the dechlorinator, if I don't see an effect I will change the bottles and tubing etc. In the...
This sounds very interesting, just so I understand it correctly: do you hatch the BBS in the 5-gal bucket or do you just use that as a reservoir? Ans why do you use the Poret foam and de aragonite gravel? And the tight-mesh cloth, is that like a panty hose or an ever finer mesh?
Yesterday I...