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I got this fish in amongst female sp oregon. It was young and it was hoped to be a male. As can be seen, today it decided to declare itself as a female but what species. I know its not the best time to id but any opinion would be received. Mike Wise if you see this what do you think.i
There may well be enough microbiology living in the leaf litter etc. But i would get a culture of microworm or similar started, hopefully some friend may have a culture going already. Then move on to newly hatched brine shrimp or decapsulated brine shrimp eggs. As for time Id guess 72 hours...
The pics would be better if they were looking straight on to the fish, but in the 2nd pic it looks like the fish has black edges to the pelvic fins. If so then that would be a female.
They should be ok with that mix, but the gravel your using is not ideal. Apistogramma are earth sifters, they filter the substrate through their mouths looking for food. That of course will not be possible with gravel.
I have spawned these successfully and have currently split out a trio and a group of 5 into separate tanks. They were easy to spawn but i lost the parents during the time they were looking after the young. The seem to be very greedy eaters and i was feeding tons of bbs and they looked like they...