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Hi, I have Etia nguti, Hemichromis sp Guinea II and Stomatepia mariae for sale on Aquabid.
I have a big list of fish for sale on our local aquarium club's forum. There are many dwarf cichlids. Shipping is available (weather permitting). Check it out at: https://www.kcfishclub.org/forum/25-classified-ads-fish/67175-lots-of-fish-for-sale.html?limitstart=0
Gerald, I might give that a try. It does seem to be direct sunlight from the top. I have fans circulating the air to keep the ambient temp as low as possible (low 80's).
Mike, thanks. I had not thought about that...is the sex determined at birth or can temp change fry sex? Maybe I will use these tanks as grow tanks instead...
Thanks for the info - I tend to overfilter my tanks with large sponge filters so hopefully that will work. I will also try some floating plants to shade the aquariums a bit to see if that helps.
Are there Apistogrammas which do not tolerate higher temps (mid 80's)? Are there some that prefer higher temps? I have a kind-of-greenhouse with aquariums that I would like to breed various Apistogrammas sp (mendezi, iniridae, wilhelmi) for now) but the water gets to the mid to upper 80's...
Jeff, I saw those Pelvicach. silviae wild 3-5cm $15.52, too! The selection is a bit thin but I don't think I have ever seen all those species of Pseudocrenilabrus offered at once.
I will ask about other "non-cichlids".
Would it be okay to post a list of West African Cichlids available from Germany? I talked an on-line seller who normal imports East Africans from Germany into getting it to me and I want to make it worth his while. He said it was okay post the list around. No money in it for me. I will...
Hi, I have some perfect shipping sized Tilapia joka youngsters to sell. Looking for $18 for 6 of them plus shipping. IN a week or so, I think priority with breather bags should be fine which would put shipping at ~$12-15. This is a fairly rare West African semi-dwarf - my male is about 5...
I have always considered apistos and dwarf pikes to be mortal enemies. I once kept a female notophthalmus in a breeder box in a tank with some various apistos and they did not like her at all. I can't imagine what would happen if you had a good sized male noto with some average apistos.