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Search results

  1. kylekvk

    A. agassizii Fire red breeding... can't seem to make it happen

    It is a community tank. It is a community tank. One day I’ll have one just for Apistogramma. Can you confirm that my Apisto I posted the picture of is in fact a female?
  2. kylekvk

    A. agassizii Fire red breeding... can't seem to make it happen

    Thanks for your reply! I think the problem might be they my female is actually a “sneaker male”. You made a lot of good points, but I realize I didn’t post pictures
  3. kylekvk

    A. agassizii Fire red breeding... can't seem to make it happen

    I posted this in the general dwarf cichlid forum, sorry for the double posting -- I thought that was the right area. I have a pair of A. Agassizii Fire Red. They’re in a 20G tall. I wanna breed these guys so bad but the female seems to hate the male and he keeps chasing her. He spends his days...