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Search results

  1. F

    Intro and 55 Gallon Idea

    It's in storage with a stand and light, so quick and easy set up. I also plan on going val and sword heavy to offset the height.
  2. F

    Intro and 55 Gallon Idea

    I've considered panduro as a replacement. Honestly I'm prepared to cave for any species I can find locally if I need to.
  3. F

    Intro and 55 Gallon Idea

    Hi everyone, I'm buying a new house and finally have room to set up a tank again after taking down 4-5 tanks due to having space issues in a small house as my wife and I had children. I'd like to set up a 55 Walstad tank with an apistogramma pair as the centerpiece. I'm partial to A. nijsseni...