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Search results

  1. Frank Hättich

    Need help identifying this male appisto

    Yes they are mendezi.
  2. Frank Hättich

    These wild fish are not A. cacatuoides, or are they? Please help.

    Yes. For sure and afaik the work hasn't even begun in case of A. cacatuoides. That's one of the main reasons for the "cf.".
  3. Frank Hättich

    These wild fish are not A. cacatuoides, or are they? Please help.

    Your fish are either a form of A. cf. cacatuoides or A. juruensis. However, it seems that your male has a small orange spot near the upper edge of the caudal fin. If so, it's A. cf. cacatuoides. Do you have any information on the catch location?
  4. Frank Hättich

    ID help, please

    Yes. The large one is a male the small one I can't tell for sure.
  5. Frank Hättich

    ID help, please

    They are A. steindachneri.
  6. Frank Hättich

    D24 How to improve Color?

    Most noticeably on the head. I never kept wild nijsseni-group fish,. so I don't know what happens to the red in their caudal fins. If it was subadult when you got it, it's color will of course increase while maturing. The question is, will it become as colorful as it would have been in the wild?
  7. Frank Hättich

    I.d. Help

    Yes it's A. sp. Steel-blue and all pictures show males.
  8. Frank Hättich

    D24 How to improve Color?

    Yes, my wild Apistos did get a good diet but the red coloration nevertheless did fade. Of course, fish from a shop are usually kept in "less than perfect" conditions and therefore don't show all their colors unless the conditions improve.
  9. Frank Hättich

    D24 How to improve Color?

    Unfortunately not in my Apistos.
  10. Frank Hättich

    D24 How to improve Color?

    I don't know because I don't know the reason for the fading in Apistos.
  11. Frank Hättich

    D24 How to improve Color?

    My experience with wild caught Apistos is that over time particularly the red coloration fades more and more. I didn't found a way to stop or even reverse this.
  12. Frank Hättich

    Help on identifying Apistogrammas

    Reducing the amount of red in the picture a bit, makes it obvious that the left fish is in fact a macmasteri "Gold":
  13. Frank Hättich

    Is this a male A. sp. "Ipiranga"?

    Then I'm quite sure that it's a female.
  14. Frank Hättich

    Is this a male A. sp. "Ipiranga"?

    What size is it?
  15. Frank Hättich

    Trying to identify this Dwarf Cichlid

    It's an Apisto and for sure not A. cacatuoides. It might be an eunotus-subcomplex species.
  16. Frank Hättich

    Species and sex id ?

    I have no doubts about this.
  17. Frank Hättich

    Apistogramma sp. Santa rosa

    They are A. ortegai.
  18. Frank Hättich

    Apistogramma lineata info?

    Color and it's intensity depends on many things like food, ligthing, color of substrate, water conditions, dominance etc. Different populations of a species can of course also show different colorations and even within a single population there can be differently colored types (this is called...
  19. Frank Hättich

    Struggling with finding female trifasciata

    You are right, it's one of the agassizii-like species.
  20. Frank Hättich

    Id species (sold as Apistogramma sp. "Ipiranga")

    I never called your Ladislao the "blue form". I just spoke of your "blue male" because you did so in posts #64 and #66 of the corresponding thread. I just tried to make sure that we talk about the same fish, nothing more. As I have said in that thread too, all Ladislao-forms can show a blue...