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I found this article and thought you guys might find it interesting as well: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0182618
Evaluating biodiversity and understanding the processes involved in diversification are noticeable conservation issues in fishes...
What's the concern if they are thawed? It's vacuum sealed and sterilized of bacteria, meaning that even if they happen to have thawed for a day or two they should not have any issues, right?
So, I know this isn't the best forum to ask this, but I know there are a lot of knowledgeable people here, so I thought, why not ask here. I read on an article by Nathan Hill that some people seem to think that the EB Acara comes from crossbreeding the normal Blue Acara with Rams by artificial...
Here's she now:
I'm so gutted about this, since she was starting to show signs that she was breeding. Resided in her cave, male around her. And suddenly out of nowhere she's dead now. There seems to be no cause for this and I'm gutted. Sorry if I posted this here, but I felt like I needed to...
Here's the paper: http://www.senckenberg.de/files/content/forschung/publikationen/vertebratezoology/vz67-2/00_vertebrate_zoology_67-2_roemer-et-al_pre-release.pdf
No, it's actually A. viejita, I have pics of it on this website. They got caught by Ernst Van Genne near Puerto Gaitan and I think Tom C also was there then, but I could be wrong.
And I wasn't asking about a harem or group of A. viejita, I have the pair there, but TDS is too high and I got...
At first I was thinking D. filamentosus, but you said they weren't robust enough. My pair isn't aggressive at all and rather shy, so could it work? Or would something like D. maculatus work better? And could either of those be kept in a group, or would a harem always be better?
I saw a discussion on facebook between Frank Hättich, Roland Kipper and Erik Paul where they were discussing whether D50 was the same as D10 and it basically was a splitter vs lumper argument.
Now I was wondering what you think about it?
I know of only one person who has them, Erik Paul.
Here's a video:
Here you can find more pictures: http://aquadico.fowum.com/forum/6116/apistogramma-d50-sp-alto-vaupes-ii-sp-unibrow-sur-fb/
So I have a 64 gallon (240 litre) Juwel RIO 240 tank with a pair of A. viejita, several Corydoras aeneus and some cardinals tetras and some Hyphessobrycon sweglesi. Because of these tetras I'm unable to breed (fry get eaten anyways, and TDS is a tad bit high).
Now I was wondering (also not...
So I've had this male A. viejita for a while known, but it seems to be developing red on it's shoulder. I took pics of it as you can see below (with and without flash, don't mind the dirty glass). I've never seen this in other A. viejita, but I know that this one is F1 from near Puerto Gaitan...