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Search results

  1. C

    egg yolk feeding

    Hi, I've been feeding my baby apistos baby brine shrimp, and crushed flakes. They seem to like both. But, I was wondering how goood the boiled egg yolk really is. Can someone give me some good detailed instructions on how to do it? everything i have read is rather vague. Thanks a...
  2. C

    Heater malfunction! Lost all my fry!

    Sorry about what happened..I use ebojager and acura heaters. I have found the ebojagers to be a bit more consistant, and more sturdy. MH, eh? heh I am considering that for a future reef tank...PC lighting is good enough for my FW tanks :wink:
  3. C

    Well.....I guess I am into it now

    The plants and wood really give me some room for error, so if i accidentaly forget a feeding, the fry have plenty to nibble on. right now my project is a 29g reef tank, then a 50g tanganyika tank. after that or maybe somewhere inbetween i will "need" to set up more apistogramma tanks :lol:
  4. C

    Well.....I guess I am into it now

    I think I am getting to be an apistogramma geek now, I have 2 tanks full of eunotus fry, and the parents are in my bolivian ram tank, taking over the rams' caves. :lol: Wow, breeding takes up time and tanks! here are my two 10g tanks i am using for breeding, there are babies around...
  5. C

    Aequidens "Dorsigerus"

    They may just need to work on their parenting skills. If i were you, I would pull the eggs and try to raise them yourself to see if that will help.
  6. C

    augh those darn apistos

    I had to delay my live rock ordering for my salt water tank by a month today, as i had to order all new equipment for a new 10 gallon tank. My other eunotus female and the male are about to have a spawn, so i have to set up another 10 gallon tank. :twisted:
  7. C

    What apistogrammas are these? the final round!!! (i hope)

    apistogramma sp. "Blaukopf_Gelbflossen" anyone heard of this fish? I think that is a female, the old female had the exact same coloring before suddenly laying eggs.
  8. C


    http://www.members.cox.net/cmoreash/ramtank.html old, and outdated, but the tank still looks ok back then. PS: much lovelier now! :wink:
  9. C

    What apistogrammas are these? the final round!!! (i hope)

    Yea I found this new one: apistogramma sp. "Pebas". It's like in the eunotus group i think, and looks pretty darn similar as well.
  10. C

    What apistogrammas are these? the final round!!! (i hope)

    Augh! Now i think caetei! papagei! rio acre! What ARE they?? They don't seem to fit into any group i have seen, maybe these new picture will help you guys 8O. BTW, whatever they are.....anyone interested in trading in the near future? I have 50+ freeswimming fry, and am gonna sell a lot...
  11. C

    What apistogrammas are these? the final round!!! (i hope)

    I got new pictures again, these are the best ones ever. They are clear, bright, and I got the female guarding the fry!!! :D So do any of you want to make a final call one what fish these are? http://www.members.cox.net/cmoreash/apistogrammas.html My guess now: Apistogramma Eunotus...
  12. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    can't get to the LFS for another week to get some eggs. lucky i picked up the frozen. My fry are free swimming now (sort of). They are on the substrate, and get up and swim when momma apistogramma moves. they look like they nibble on her sometimes. she is such a good mom! :)
  13. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    Momma apistogramma is still taking care... I believe the fry are about ready to start swimming. Momma has gotten thin, she doesn't eat much.
  14. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    actually i bought some frozen baby brine shrimp today, live is out of the question. I think this will work. How long does it take for the fry to become free swimming?
  15. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    mama is all alone now, i got the others out. I was a bit wrong about her moving the eggs. She wasn't moving EGGS. I looked closer, and they were wigglers! She picks them up a lot with her mouth and puts them back with the rest of the group. How do I do this fry food thing with boiled egg...
  16. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    the eggs were gone, so i was depressed, but the female was still yellow. The other female keeps fighting her, trying to get in her corner of the tank. I looked carefully into the java moss/wood cave, and the eggs had been moved farther back! IS that common for apistogrammas to move the eggs...
  17. C

    Setting up a breeding tank

    here's an idea i thought of trying: get a few (2-3) ten gallon tanks, and run a 48" florescent fixture above them all, like just a cheap one from home depot. that'll do the trick. yea the sponge over intake will help i do it to keep small fish from getting sucked. I personally like...
  18. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    update: female still guarding eggs, all other fish are gone except the 2 other apistos (too hard to catch). I still believe they are apistogramma sp. "rio acre".
  19. C

    Apistogramma Eggs! Yippee!

    As I was feeding my apistogrammas this morning, only 2 readily came out for food. the third emerged after a few minutes, and was very yellow and orange. I was curious, so I watched it after it ate. It proceeded to a hole in the bunch of java moss i haven't seen before, and i looked closer...
  20. C

    slate background vs pH

    thanks a lot! 8)