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Thank you both. The pencils became increasingly aggressive with one another and I lost several over a weekend while I was out of town. Those that remain seem to have found a balance, but I'm hesitant to buy replacements (and certainly no more rare / expensive variants).
Best of luck with your...
Fair question. My answer isn't a great one. I had a bunch of it left over and my LFS was out of sand so I just went ahead with what was on hand.
I do intend to add to the plant count in the back. Right now there are crypts, red Lotus and crinum.
I've only had them for a week, but so far so good. LFS couldn't move them at retail so I got a very good deal, else I couldn't justify them over other pencilfish varieties.
As others report, they don't school but they're very active in the mid and upper levels. Very little aggression even...
Just a quick update. They're settling in nicely, and male and female are always near one another. She's turned an orange tone with reddish mouth, but not spawning colors (at least not like any other apisto I've kept). Occasional display between them. No fighting.
Thanks again to all in this...
Thanks for your continued feedback. I'll happily go with A. blutkehl (though a new one for me). If I can get better quality photos I'll post them for interest sake if for nothing else.
Thank you again.
The lyretail male also periodically gets a redness around his mouth similar to what I recall with a male iniridae, in case that helps. Just not quite as intense.
I've had them for about 4 months, but got lucky with 3 spawns across the two females. So far only one has successfully raised (her most recent batch) to free swimming size, but they seem to be eating well.
Do mendezi grow at a "typical" rate for apistos?
I took a chance with a few fish from a post shared earlier. Apologies for the film on the glass, I'm letting the snail sort that out on its own.
I'm wondering if it's possible at this point to more specifically ID these two, or if more time, better video/photos and clear glass are required...
Thanks again. I'm pretty sure these are from the same supplier as the previous mix, which were apparently wild caught, from Colombia.
I may have to roll the dice, as I do find some of these interesting.
Thanks for confirming.
The IDs on arrival have been very questionable, though what is arriving is equally interesting to me. Any other thoughts from folks are welcomed.
I would love to commit to any of the species you named, but only if I could identify sexes for the species in question...
Local fish store received a shipment labelled A. psammophila from Colombia. While I don't see a lot online about this species, what I do see doesn't seem to agree with what are in this tank.
Whatever these are, there appear to be two additional outlier make from another species as well (final...
I grabbed a few more videos. I don't know that they're much better than the first, but posting regardless in case anyone wants a challenge.
I'll very curious whether there are clear females among the group, particularly of A sp. putzer.
Thank you very much @Frank Hättich
I thought I had it with velifera. A. putzer is a new one for me, but seems to be a very nice looking species.
Uaupesi I guessed from the solid line and sail on a few of the more slender fish.
Will share your identifications with the shop this weekend, and...