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  1. S

    New here

    Thanks. Check out the biotope I set up for bettas down below
  2. S

    New here

    On the biotope? Both. It is a 5 gallon shallow so aquascaping was limited as I need to cover the tank. Bettas are great jumpers.
  3. S

    New here

    Thanks. I’m looking at a minimum of 20 gallon or more tanks for the breeder. I just got back into the hobby recently and had 4 tanks going but just tore one down. Here is a picture of an Asian biotope I recently set up for betta imbellis. This will be the sorority for a couple of females. Next...
  4. S

    New here

    Hi, big fan of apistos and this is a pair of red shoulder Macmasteri I have in my 10 gallon planted tank. Looking to set up a biotope for them and try my hand at breeding. Lots of info on this site. Thanks for indulging me.