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Search results

  1. F

    Good single male tank setup?

  2. F

    Good single male tank setup?

    My planted ten gallon! As of now, just have cherry shrimp (could get rid of them). I am open to all suggestions!
  3. F

    Best hitchhiker ever?

    Ok! The people at the fish store said that where feeding the tank crushed flakes, so I will order some eggs, and feed flakes in the meantime. Thank you!
  4. F

    Best hitchhiker ever?

    I just got back from my LFS to get some Pigmy Corys. They were in a tank with some Scarlet Badis. The employee was netting up my little guys, and I was looking at some other fish nearby. I check out, and head home. When I get there, and start acclamation,I finally get a good look at my new...
  5. F

    Is there any way to determine age?

    Of course! In my Experience, salt baths work as well :).
  6. F

    Is there any way to determine age?

    Im no expert, but it looks like your fish might have fin rot.
  7. F

    Large Species

    I was just wondering :). Thank you so much!
  8. F

    Large Species

    What are some large and colorful Apistogramma species other then A. Cacatuoides?
  9. F

    New here!

    Ok, Thank you for clarifying.
  10. F

    New here!

    Ok, just making sure I understand. You’re saying that the walstad method works if you do miner water changes (plus filter?). If you want to put anything more than plants in, you wouldn’t suggest anything with specific needs (like Apistogrammas) and lean more into Neocaradinia shrimp. Am I...
  11. F

    New here!

    Again, thank you so much for helping me understand. I feel like I have watched about a 1,000,000 videos, but none of them seem to explain the real problems in different types of aquarium. I have been doing standard aquariums for about 5 years, and wanted to try something new. This has been vary...
  12. F

    New here!

    Thank you for clearing that up! What time of filtration system do you suggest?
  13. F

    New here!

    Thank you!!
  14. F

    New here!

    Oh, thank you! I could never find real clarity about that. What would your perfect Apistogramma tank look like (looking for new ideas) .
  15. F

    New here!

    Hello! I am setting up a 20 gallon long (walstad) and have been doing a tun of research. I think Apistos would be perfect! Thay have been on my bucket list for a while, and want to give them a prefect place to live! I thought this community would be a great place to learn! Any tips?