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Hope all is well. Happy New Year! I was checking to see if the Apisto wilhelmi, Taenicara candidi and Dicrossis filamentosus were still available from your December 2014 post? Let me know, I am interested in all 3 species.
If you manage to breed your dwarf pikes again, please let me know. Hopefully the next time I'll have space available and not miss your aquabid posting.
HI again, not sure if you remeber i ask you a while ago if you could ship me some Tilapia Joka. I was wondering if you stiill have any even just one or two to ship me. im setting up a west african biotype and i would like to establish them in the tank first. please get back to me as soon as possible. THANKS in advance
Jeff at Aquaticlarity finaly could ship gish he has been hoklding since Jan,toldme of your very busy occupation. I am still interested in fish you listed on MCA. They are;
Lake Barombi collection or Stomatopia marie adults x 6
Benitochromis rioumunsis F1 young x 8
Thoracocromis braushi juvies x 6
Tilapia Joka young adults x 6
Hemichromis sp Guinea II x 8
Hemichromis cristatus young x 6
Thymochromis ansorgii x 5
I could possibly take all or part. I am particularly interested in the Guinea II and the brauschi,Any C,A,R,E,S, species
Steve: I talked to Rich Ringler at the GCCA swap on Sunday and he said you have T. Brauschi. I'm looking for 1 to 25 of any size. Please contact me at 217-737-9694 or [email protected] Thanks. Steve Schreiber