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  • I don`t have any for sale right now. I will have in 3-4 months . I have cacatuidres Orange flash for sale
    Hi George,

    DO you still have A cacat. male? If you do where can it be picked up?

    A friend of mine would probably be visiting Toronto next weekend and I was thinking about asking him if he could bring it.
    yes I still have some smaller one `s,around 1 inch long and very nice
    great.. where can he pick them up?
    Hi I`m free this weekend Can you e-mail me at [email protected]. I didn`t know I had a message here
    hi George will you see Michel before april 14 if yes sell him some of your Repashy i will buy it from him at the Quebec auction jerry
    hi george this is jerry from new-brunswick i talked with you at the fish auction last Sunday (hope you remember me, i bought some of your apistos and angels) do you have anything for sale? if yes maby michel gaudet would be able to send them to me thanks jerry
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