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No color on dominant A. Macmasteri?

Greg M Mulvihill

New Member

Sold as A. Macmasteri "red shoulder ". Received these guys over a week ago & they've acclimated quite well. Some of the smaller males have the beginnings of nice color, like the supposed parents but I'm stumped with this fish!

2" size, absolutely the most dominant in the tank. Super long, trailing dorsal & tail fins. Chunky & well fed. Displays mating behavior to both females and chases the other males away. Good appetite for brine shrimp, flake, etc.

Any ideas? Different A. variety? Genetic anomaly? Just homely?

Hoping more time will, but "he" doesn't change in the slightest even when in full display for the ladies...

Supposed male parent:
s-l960 (1)~2.jpg

Greg M Mulvihill

New Member
It looks like some wild Macs to me. If these are from a domestic strain then it could represent a fish showing ancestral traits.

*sigh* I figured that might be the case.

Maybe i can rehome him locally so the other males can fully color up. Online purchase, so i can't really send him back...


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