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Nannacara anomala



Nanacara Anomala

Hello..need some help here with these guys.
I acquired two N.Anomalas last Feb. I currently have them in my 46 Gallonn plant tank, with the following. 6 Clown Loaches, 3 Angels, 4 Rams, and about 10 Brilliant Rasboros. So far I havnt even seen a hint of pairing much less spawning. The seem to hide a lot. The Male is a nice golden tint, while the female...well she's pretty drap. My PH is about 6.4, and temp is around 80 F. I feed them a variety of spiriline flake, krill, bloodworms, Brine shrimp. I've even tried putting them into their own tank, but they only hid even more. I was told that they do better with dither fish. Should I move them into a tank that is not so crowded ?
I'm thinking that maybe the Clown Loaches may be driving them batty with their antics.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Wecome :) ! If you have already read this, sorry about the referance to Laetacara :oops: . I was spacing out a little. Lucky that I am able to edit this and that the suggestions in this post may well pertain to both Laetacara cuviceps and Nannacara anomala.
Wow, N. amomala shouldn't be giving you so much trouble. Your conditions and diet for them are more than adequate. But then again, that's why this is such an interesting hobby. You never know what works until it does. You just have to keep trying different things. It is possible, for whatever reason, they will never spawn (pair compatibility, unknown negative factors in their environment, etc.), but I rarely turn to those excuses. It is almost guaranteed that something will spark them to spawn. What that something is may be quite a process of change or it may happen on its own.
I can only tell you what I would try. First, I would set the female up in the smaller tank with a large water change. Feed her well for a couple of days and let her establish her territory. Make sure that there are several appropriate spawning and hiding locations. In a couple of days, when she has acclimated to her new home, put the male in.
If this does not work after a couple of weeks, add a couple of dither fish or a target fish into the tank (maybe another Nannacara). Try feeding more living food (brine, etc - see Dwarf Cichlid Nutrition on the site), raise the temp. a couple of degrees and try adding a little black-water extract.
There are a number of things that you can try, but there might be a time when you just may want to find a new female, because they should not be giving you this much trouble. And yes, I think the clown loaches could well be too active for these fish. Good luck! Neil


New Member
5 Year Member
Central Ohio
Argent, I know the feeling. I had a trio for over a year with nothing to show for it. Then, after they got started I was asking the opposite. How can I get these guys to stop! They were in a 55g, planted, mildly acidic (6.5ish). I moved them to a tank I called "The Swamp". Green Crypt so thick you couldn't see more than 2" into the tank, dim light, healty growth of hair algae. Same water conditions though. The only difference, I had two 2" flower pots in there from the previous occupants. She claimed a pot and they got busy. I didn't have any cave type shelters in the 55g. Didn't think I needed any for them being supposedly open spawners. That might not have been the trigger, but that was the only thing I was aware of as being different . Good luck with them, once they get going, the female is a very good mom.



To Neil and Cichids1...thanks for the hints. I will try both and see what happens. Now if I can only get my lelupies and Julies to get busy, life would be grand. Yes I'm having problems with all of my fish to spawn....wish I could say that same for my wife and me...I just look at her and she gets pregnant.... :) (not that that's a bad thing......but I just lost my fish room to the new baby :) )


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Geez, you better stop looking at her like that, if it's costing you a fishroom in the process :p . No, no! Let's get our priorities straight here! You are actually doing a great service to yourself by creating ready-made fishroom help. I have had the same deal go on in my household, unfortunately it is not working out quite like I planned - see http://www.apistogramma.com/dadhelpers.htm
Seriously, congratulations! Neil


Neil, your story was just tooo funny. Is this what I am to expect from my 3 boys ?

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