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Recent content by S.T.

  1. S

    Hydra in fry tank

    Hi all, I have a fry tank with about 30 fry in various sizes that has hydra all through it. I've actually been away for a fortnight and just come back to this disturbing sight... The smallest fry are about 1cm. I don't know if they're big enough to not be effected by the Hydra. I want to...
  2. S

    Community tank some help needed

    Well the tank is stocked with small (2cm and under) rasboras and tetra species and 10 pygmy corys. I was wondering so far I have a single pair of A. Trifasciatas in there, would it be presumptious to add another female? The tank is 1.7m long and 55cm wide. I have a "spare" female that has...
  3. S

    Rio Arapiuns biotope

    can't say I know the biotope but I just had to say great name! Sosbanfach..... tehehehe, great song too!
  4. S

    Community tank some help needed

    I had intended to make the A. Trifasciata my "main theme". The rams were just because I thought it might be nice to have another "big fish" in there. I had thought so far to stock the tank with the small tetras... 2 cm and under and with some microrasboras... so the Trifasciata will be twice as...
  5. S

    Community tank some help needed

    I have a new 60 gallon (272 L) tank that I want to set up as a community tank, I'm going to shift a pair of A. Trifasciata in there and a pair of rams. Other than a whole heap of small tetras anyone got any ideas for some interesting tank buddies? I'ts going to be fairly heavily planted with a...
  6. S

    A. Trifasciata fry

    yeah wouldn't use anything else except live food... I only give my adults good quality flake every third day. But despite that I've had a whole glut of accidents so far:frown: We had a power out at 6am didn't come back on till 8, which dropped the water temp, and I lost about 8 fry! Then...
  7. S

    A. Trifasciata fry

    Thanks for the info, yes I didn't realise the pleco could be destructive with the fry till last night! Here I was thinking he was ok, and he went and munched on some of the poor buggers! But There's still 2 dozen or more alive. Now I'm using a syringe attached to a piece of tubing to get...
  8. S

    A. Trifasciata fry

    So without even realising I woke up to 30 odd trifasciata fry swimming round a heavily planted communal tank, it has a pleco, guppies and the apistos. I also noticed the male apisto looking seriously beaten up, he had what looks like a bite on his flank and is generally hiding, as are the...
  9. S

    Apistogramma Pebas (Blue Head)

    I have seen a listing for these on a online fish store. Though they've not got any pics up. Does anyone know is this different from normal Pebas or is it just marketing ploy? I have to say I was a little intrigued as I only know the Blue Head in reference to A. sp "Steel Blue". cheers S.T.
  10. S

    interesting M. Altispinosa habits

    Hi all, I bought 3 of these cute little fish a while back and I noticed something... two of them always hang about together... go hunting together etc and one very definitely has a territory... they're in a 50 gallon tank with some fancy guppy females (5) and 3 oto's. I've yet to establish if...
  11. S

    WTB A. Borelli & A. Trifasciata in Australia

    Hi, In Perth, Western Australia... Looking for A. Borelli "Opal" breeding pair or pair of sexed fingerlings and the same for A. Trifasciata. I can't get them from overseas sadly so looking for Australian suppliers Cheers S.T.